Jentz Tan
Jentz Tan
Independent Consultant
HPI D-School, Potsdam, MY

Jentz is an innovation specialist and design strategist passionate about positioning Malaysia as a hub for creative and impactful offerings. With extensive experience in fostering innovation cultures for large multinationals in both Malaysia and Europe, he has facilitated innovation teams through complex business challenges, guiding them to develop validated and meaningful concepts. His expertise lies in cultivating environments where innovation thrives, driving organizations toward growth and transformative change.

From Competition to Creation: Strategies for Radical Design

In this session, Jentz will emphasize the need to invest in creation rather than merely reacting to competition, highlighting the importance of a proactive and inspirational approach to design. Challenging the current trend of focusing solely on problem-solving, the session will underscore the significance of seeking inspiration from diverse and sometimes unexpected sources to craft radical and meaningful innovations. This approach will be showcased to demonstrate how it can make a meaningful impact.