Ranganathan Balashanmugam
Ranganathan Balashanmugam
Chief Technology Officer
Everest Engineering, AU

Ranganathan Balashanmugam has worked with globally distributed teams for the last twenty years. He is currently co-founder and CTO of EverestEngineering. He is a well-known speaker at many global conferences on technical and leadership topics. He is featured in many magazines, including Fortune, Forbes, and others. He was one of the top 5 inspiring personalities listed by Times of India.

Leadership During Changing And Challenging Times

Leading and managing teams is relatively easy when everything is in order. Yet, leadership is always challenging. During times of dynamic changes and challenges, successful teams are the ones that support and collaborate through adversity. That will only happen with strong leadership that drives adaptability and resilience while still keeping the teams motivated. Those leaders imagine and foresee, instil a direction and lead the team through the challenges.

This talk contains remote and global cultural aspects with a few activities, case studies, real-time examples, and takeaways.